Dental Implants in Colorado Springs – Full Arch Replacements

Traditional dentures are an economical choice for full mouth restoration, but can present challenges that many patients find difficult to work around. With implant dentistry from Dr. Wright, patients missing most or all of their natural teeth can enjoy stable and functional prosthetics. Dr. Wright and his team are happy to provide fixed, implant-supported dentures in Colorado Springs.
If your old denture has become too problematic to use regularly, ask us about comfortable and lasting fixed denture services.

Implant Denture Options: Comfortable Teeth that Feel Natural

There are many ways to have your full-arch prosthetic attached to dental implants, each of which is designed to provide optimal results, based on the available amount of bone at the treatment site. Dr. Wright works with your budget as well to determine which service will provide the results you’re looking for. Our implant denture services include:

  • Screw-Retained Full-Arch Bridges – This treatment provides the closest possible replacement for missing natural teeth. Your prosthetic will look similar to a traditional dental bridge, but will span a whole arch of your smile.  A series of implant posts, as few as four or as many as eight, are used to permanently secure bridge. You won’t have to worry about taking your teeth out to clean them each day; Dr. Wright removes your prosthesis at routine dental visits, but your teeth will otherwise remain securely in place.
  • Implant Overdentures – As a cost-effective approach to fixed denture treatment, snap-on overdentures utilize minimal implants as anchors for your replacement teeth. With just two implants, Dr. Wright can affix the implant posts and your denture with special attachments that allow your teeth to pop firmly into place. This provides a significant improvement in daily comfort and function, ensuring your dentures look natural and function as intended.

You don’t have to live with uncomfortable dentures that continue to slip out of place or don’t allow you bite and chew properly. Implant dentures provide effective stabilization for unhappy denture-wearers.

The Life-Changing Benefits of Fixed Dentures

It’s easy to take simple things like biting into your favorite foods for granted when your teeth are healthy and strong. When you struggle with tooth loss, however, these actions become almost impossible and have a negative impact on confidence and well-being. Permanent denture patients report high levels of satisfaction with their new smiles, no matter which option they choose.

With a permanent denture from our Colorado Springs implant dentist, you can feel confident knowing that your teeth will not come loose while speaking or eating, and that all of the healthy and delicious foods you love will no longer be off the menu.

Schedule your Implant Denture Consultation with Dr. Wright

If you’re curious about traditional denture alternatives, ask Dr. Wright about how implants can help you enjoy a renewed smile. Contact our office today to get started on your fixed denture treatment plan.
