
Get Rid of TMJ Pain with Botox Treatment

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) is a condition that affects the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. The TMJ helps you open your mouth to chew, yawn, and laugh without any discomfort when it functions normally. However, when the TMJ is inflamed or injured, you may experience headaches, jaw pain, earache, and other symptoms.

To help patients escape the chronic pain of TMJ, the team at Mark H Wright DDS uses Botox injections to minimize the symptoms. Yes, you heard that right. Dr. Mark Wright uses Botox to help patients overcome TMJ symptoms.

How Botox treats TMJ pain

You know Botox (botulinum toxin) as a popular beauty-enhancement procedure that enhances and smooths out wrinkles on the face. However, you may not know that Botox can be used to treat TMJ. But how? Botox works by paralyzing the overworked muscles in the jaw region. The partial paralysis relaxes your jaws, lifting pressure off the TMJ joint. The results? You experience fewer headaches and jaw pain.

How is Botox administered?

The good thing about Botox is that it can be used alongside other treatments like anti-inflammatory drugs, stress relievers, and orthodontics meant to manage your TMJ. After an in-depth evaluation, Dr. Mark Wright injects Botox using a fine needle into the strained muscles, usually in the jaw, temple, or forehead.

Generally, administering Botox isn’t painful — you will only feel the pinch of a typical injection. The treated area can be numbed with a cold compress but avoid rubbing or massaging the injection site as it may dislodge the Botox.

Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients : (719) 624-4122 | Existing Patients : (719) 635-1622
Request an Appointment

A typical Botox treatment session lasts about 10 minutes, but you need several sessions to get the best out of the treatment, usually between several months and one year. Also, remember that Botox isn’t a one-time treatment. You need follow-up treatments since the effects of Botox wear out after 12 months or so.

TMJ Botox Treatment in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Is TMJ pain taking a toll on your health? You don’t have to live in pain. Please dial (719) 624-4122 to book an appointment with the Mark H Wright DDS team for TMJ pain relief.

Dr. Mark H Wright

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