Porcelain Crown Caps

Why choose white zirconia dental crowns?

Colorado Springs, Colorado area patients who are curious to learn about materials other than porcelain commonly used for dental restorations are encouraged to call the office of Dr. Mark H. Wright to educate themselves on a dental material known as white zirconia. Dental crowns can be made of this material, offering a solid and affordable metal-free alternative.

What are Zirconia dental crowns?

Zirconia dental crowns are a type of dental restoration used to replace or repair damaged teeth. These crowns are made from zirconia, a very durable and strong material. They can be customized to match the color and shape of your existing teeth, making them a very natural-looking solution for your smile. In addition to restoring damaged teeth, zirconia dental crowns can also be used for cosmetic purposes, such as covering up severely stained or discolored teeth.

What is the difference between both zirconia and porcelain dental crowns?

Porcelain is a very popular material for dental crowns, but zirconia is quickly becoming a popular choice. Zirconia is a stronger and more durable material than porcelain, making it less likely to chip or break. It is also a whiter material, so it can help to brighten up your smile. Porcelain crowns are still a good option for many people, but zirconia may be the better choice if you are looking for a durable and long-lasting solution.

Actual Patient Results

Before: Patient needs Upper Arch Rehabilitation. Presents with Upper Anterior teeth that are stained, incisal edges (tooth edge) are worn down and chipped, and gumline recession is present.

After: Smile restored with placement of 8 Upper All Porcelain Crowns (Caps). Gumline and incisal edges are now uniform. Patient now has longer, better shaped teeth to enhance the smile line and aid in chewing/biting function.

What are the benefits of zirconia dental crowns?

Zirconia dental crowns offer many benefits over other types of dental restoration. They are solid and durable, making them a good option if you want to repair or replace a damaged tooth. They are also very natural-looking, which can help improve your smile’s appearance. If you are looking for a long-lasting and reliable solution for your teeth, then zirconia may be the right choice.

Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients : (719) 624-4122 | Existing Patients : (719) 635-1622
Request an Appointment

If you’re interested in learning more about zirconia dental crowns, speak with Dr. Mark Wright today!

Call (719) 624-4122 to request an appointment with our team at Mark H Wright DDS in Colorado Springs, CO, to decide if you are a proper candidate for zirconia dental crowns. The office is located at 930 North Cedar Street and is open to new patients.

Dr. Mark H Wright

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