When you hear the term “sleep apnea,” you may think it’s what causes people to snore and is not something you should worry about. The truth is that sleep apnea can lead to some pretty serious health concerns. Additionally, your obstructive sleep apnea could result in you stopping breathing hundreds of times a night while sleeping. Getting your sleep apnea diagnosed and treated in the Colorado Springs, Colorado area at Mark H. Wright, DDS, is something you should consider a priority. Treatment does not have to come in the form of a bulky, hard-to-wear CPAP machine, either! Dr. Wright offers alternative treatment options like oral appliance therapy to his patients.
Here are some health concerns you could find yourself up against if you do not get your sleep apnea treated.
According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, many long-term health concerns can be directly linked to untreated sleep apnea. These include:
Further, the AASM has stated that individuals with moderate to severe cases of untreated sleep apnea are up to four times more likely to succumb to these conditions than those who receive treatment.
If you suffer from sleep apnea, it is highly likely that you are also sleep deprived. Because your sleep can be so highly fragmented when you have sleep apnea due to dysfunctional breathing patterns, your body is not getting the rest it needs for optimal brain function. It is estimated that individuals who do not receive treatment for their sleep apnea are three times more likely to be part of a workplace accident. And how about those who spend time behind the wheel of a car? Undiagnosed sleep apnea can make you up to 20 percent more likely to be in an automobile accident.
Untreated sleep apnea can be downright dangerous not only to yourself but to those around you as well.
To schedule an appointment for sleep apnea treatment with Dr. Mark H Wright, please call (719) 624-4122 today.